Foster Program Application

Foster Program Application

By filling out this foster application, you will be signed up to foster at both our Redwood CIty and Palo Alto locations.

Thank you for your interest in fostering for us.

I understand and agree that these services are charitable in nature and entirely voluntary on my part, and that I will receive no remuneration of any kind for them. My signature below indicates that I have read, understand, and agree to the following Pets In Need foster contract:

- I am over 18 years of age.

- I agree to provide all PIN foster animals in my care with adequate food, water, socialization, exercise and medical assistance while striving to increase the adaptability of the pet.

- I will abide by all PIN policies, procedures, and follow instruction from PIN staff. I agree to communicate to PIN directly in case of emergency and follow pre-determined emergency procedures.

- My foster animal(s) will be housed indoors only at my home as indicated on my application and treated humanely as companion animals using force-free training methods. At no time will my PIN foster animal be left outside on a chain, in an outdoor dog run, or left unattended with other animals that have are not pre-approved by PIN staff.

- I will refrain from using negative-reinforcement tools that can include shaker cans, spray air, corrective collars such as prong or choke chains, harsh verbal reprimands and jerking or yanking on a collar or harness. If behavior modification or training seems necessary, I will ask PIN staff how to proceed, and I will follow the plan that they provide for me.

- I will comply with all current state, county and municipal laws and ordinances that pertain to companion animals and pet ownership in the jurisdiction where I reside while fostering PIN animals.

- I understand that PIN reserves the right to check on the welfare of animals, which may include a visit to my foster home. As well, if Pets In Need staff determine a direct or immediate threat to my foster animal, that animal may be removed from my care.

- I understand the possible risk with bringing home illness from the shelter to personal pets or vice versa and that it is recommended by PIN that resident animals be kept separate from foster animals. Additionally, all resident pets in the home should be up to date on all vaccinations and preventatives while fostering PIN animals.

- I understand the potential safety risks of working with animals. I understand that PIN may have limited information regarding the temperament and habits of the animals in need of foster care and that the information that is provided may change or not be the same in the environment which the pet will reside in my foster home. I agree to take all reasonable precautions to ensure that my foster animal(s) do not escape, become a nuisance, destroy my own or others’ property, become injured by or injure another animal or person.

- PIN has my permission to use any photographs or videos taken of me or submitted by me to publicize PIN programs or events. I understand that all prints, negatives, and digital images become the sole property of PIN and may be used without payment or prior notification.

- I understand that any expenses incurred by my foster animals in the form of damage or supplies is not able to be reimbursed by PIN unless pre-approved by PIN staff in writing.

- I agree to return my foster animal(s) to a PIN facility if I can no longer care for my foster animal(s) at any point or upon request of any PIN staff member. I am responsible for transporting my foster animal(s) to and from PIN facilities. PIN animals are not to be sold, abandoned, or relinquished to any individual or organization outside of PIN facilities and staff. I understand that fostering animals through PIN is not a transfer of ownership and that if I choose to adopt my foster animal(s) that I will complete necessary paperwork and pay appropriate fees associated with PIN’s adoption policies and process.

- I understand that all veterinary care for my foster animals must be provided or pre-approved by PIN, otherwise, any medical expenses incurred may not be reimbursed.

- Pets In Need volunteers are not classified as “employees” and are therefore ineligible for Worker’s Compensation coverage for injuries that might be sustained while volunteering for PIN.

Due to the nature of Pets In Need’s services, I understand that PIN reserves the exclusive right to select or not to select potential volunteers at any point before services are provided or after placement in the program.
*By signing this form, I agree to the terms and conditions stated above: